Ready-to-Deploy GCP projects with DeployStack

Yesterday, as I was going through Google’s documents, I stumbled upon a significant resource for Google Cloud enthusiasts. It’s a set of 10 prebuilt applications designed to help you practice with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects. These applications showcase common GCP architectures. Sounds interesting, right? Let’s explore them together!

DeployStack Overview

DeployStack offers a collection of ready-made applications that demonstrate standard application designs. Each DeployStack includes Terraform scripts for setting up the infrastructure and starter code. When you run these scripts, they create the architecture and deploy the code. You can then customize the code to suit your application’s needs.

If DeployStack doesn’t have the specific application you’re looking for, you can visit the Cloud Architecture Center for best practices, implementation ideas, and more to assist you in designing a Cloud computing deployment that fits your business.

Remember, the DeployStack library is always growing, so stay on the lookout for new applications.

Each DeployStack comes with these essential files:

  • – This is the Terraform script that deploys the architecture.
  • deploystack.json – It’s a configuration file for the collection script. These files determine what information DeployStack will ask for and what infrastructure it will create.

Learn more on Google Cloud

DeployStack GCP Projects

Here are some of the projects within DeployStack:

  • Cost Sentry: This project includes scripts and configurations for managing resources when Google Cloud Billing Budgets are exceeded. It establishes a budget, messaging queue, and Cloud Function to control cost-related processes.
  • ETL Pipeline: ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load. This project leverages Google Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and BigQuery to process data in batches, making it useful for data transformation and analysis.
  • Load Balanced VMs: This project is all about creating a cluster of virtual machines with a Load Balancer, ensuring a reliable and scalable infrastructure for distributing web traffic.
  • NoSQL Client Server: It configures two Compute Engine instances, one running MongoDB and the other a custom Go application that interacts with MongoDB, exposing an API for data consumption.
  • Ops Agent: Ops Agent deploys a virtual machine and integrates it with Google Cloud’s Monitoring and Logging services, making it easier to monitor system performance.
  • Single VM: This project is focused on setting up an individual virtual machine, providing flexibility for customization.
  • Static Hosting with Domain: It simplifies the process of creating static websites using Google Cloud Storage and Load Balancing, along with domain management features.
  • Storage Event Function App: This project serves as an image directory and thumbnail creator, offering users the ability to upload images and process them.
  • Three Tier App: A comprehensive project for creating a three-tiered application, involving a database, caching, API, and a user interface.
  • Serverless End-To-End Photo Sharing Application: This ambitious project using multiple Google Cloud products, including Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Storage, to create a scalable and secure photo-sharing application.

Each project includes a link to its source code on Github to improve your skills in Python for DevOps.

Feel free to check them out and see how they can benefit you. If you decide to give them a try, I’d love to hear about your experiences. And if you found this content helpful, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends.

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